Double Cursus Health Science
Double Cursus Rabelais précoce (from second year)
- Why double major at an early age?
This course is aimed at students who are interested in scientific research, and who wish to develop this training alongside their health studies.
This enables students to learn about scientific issues, article analysis and critical thinking at an early stage of their training.
It is designed for students wishing to pursue careers in industry, hospitals (MCU-PH, PU-PH) or academic research laboratories (INSERM, CNRS).
Double major in classical health medicine : Website
Double Cursus Rabelais Santé-Sciences de Montpellier-Nîmes : Website
Via an entrance exam at the beginning of the second year of theOdontology, Medicine or Pharmacy.
- Admission procedure (equivalent to Ecole Bettencourt INSERM)
The student puts together a file consisting of :
- a cover letter,
- a scientific analysis of a recent scientific article from its
Entering a dual Health/Research Science program.
This course is recommended for students interested in the sciences.
- 1st semester2nd year of health studies: Admission
- 2nd and3rd year of health studies: completion of a Master 1 in parallel with studies. The student chooses TU from among those offered on the Double cursus Rabelais website. Classes are generally held at the Faculty of Science on a Thursday afternoon during the week, starting in the2nd semester of the2nd year.
The student will attend CNRS training courses as well as refresher courses in Mathematics and Physics. During the summer vacations of the2nd and3rd years, the student will take part in gratified laboratory research internships.
- At the end of its 3ème year, the student obtains a equivalence Master 1 and then has the choice between continuing his or her studies in health or completing a Master 2.
- If the student completes a Master 2, he or she can choose between continuing with a science thesis or continuing with health studies.
- During their training, students will have access to workshops, analysis of scientific articles, debates...
- Director of the Double Cursus Rabelais :
- Administrative referent :
- Head of Odontology :
- Administrative referent Odontology :
Student representative :