Apprenticeship tax
The Taxe d'Apprentissage is a compulsory tax paid by all companies with employees. Its purpose is to finance expenditure needed to develop technological and vocational education and apprenticeships.
Each company is free to invest its apprenticeship tax in the establishment of its choice.
Why pay your apprenticeship tax to the Faculty of Odontology?
Your contribution will enable the Faculty to continue delivering high-level teaching through new teaching tools, by purchasing state-of-the-art equipment, materials, 3D printers, interactive whiteboards, digital projects...
The apprenticeship tax enables us to acquire state-of-the-art equipment to ensure the best possible environment for our students to learn practical gestures. This equipment is also essential for practical work in continuing vocational training.
If you wish to contribute to the development and financing of our apprenticeship program, the Faculté d'Odontologie de Montpellier can be one of the beneficiaries of your payment.
From 2023The 13% fraction of the apprenticeship tax (or TA balance) is collected by URSSAF and MSA. It is then paid to the Caisse des Dépôts et Consignations, which allocates the funds. Caisse des Dépôts et Consignations' new SOLTéA digital platform will enable employers to designate the structures to which they wish to pay this balance.
How do I pay the apprenticeship tax to the Faculty of Dentistry?
SOLTéA tutorials :
Explanatory videos are available here: https: //
The Montpellier Faculty of Dentistry is particularly grateful to the generous donors who have placed their trust in us and made it possible for their donations to support the training of our students in 2024.