1958: creation of the École Dentaire under the direction of Professor Franchebois at the Faculty of Medicine.
1970: succession by Professor Louis Gourgas, and installation of the UFR Council on March 2, 1970.
1973: creation of the Doctor of Dental Surgery diploma.
1980: Professor Paul Parguel elected Dean.
1982: transfer of administrative services and some laboratories to 3 Bis boulevard Henri IV.
1989: re-election of Dean Paul Parguel.
1996-97: construction of the new Faculty and a new dental center entrusted to the Tourre - Valentin - Wilmotte architectural firm.
December 1999: election of Professor Dominique Deville de Périère as Director of the UFR Odontologie.
April 2004: election of Dr Jean Valcarcel, Senior Lecturer, Hospital Practitioner, as Director of the UFR.
March 2009: re-election of Dean Jean Valcarcel.
September 2013: election of Professor Philippe Gibert, University Professor, Hospital Practitioner, as UFR Director.
June 2018: election of Professor Jean Valcarcel, University Professor, Hospital Practitioner, as Dean of the Faculty.
December 2022: election of Professor Jean-Cédric Durand, University Professor, Hospital Practitioner, as Dean of the Faculty.