Signing of the Hospital-University agreement

This Tuesday, October 24, 2023, the new University Hospital agreement between the Nîmes and Montpellier University Hospitals and the University of Montpellier was once again renewed and signed by all the stakeholders involved, including the president of the university, the director of the Nîmes University Hospital, the general director of the Montpellier University Hospital, the three deans of the health UFRs, and the general director of the regional health agency (ARS Occitanie).

Concretely, the two university hospitals share the same training and research units (UFR) in medicine, pharmacy and dentistry and the faculty of medicine of Montpellier.

The two university hospitals are in fact partners of the I-Site Montpellier University of Excellence (Muse) "which since 2017 has brought together a large academic, scientific, institutional and economic community in the Montpellier region in the fields of biodiversity, agriculture, the environment and health".

This labeling was definitively confirmed in 2022, while the University Innovation Center (PUI) managed by the University of Montpellier was labeled in July 2023.

The Dean of the Faculty of Odontology Jean-Cédric Durand recalled that this agreement confirmed our real desire to revitalize ties with the Nîmes University Hospital, through a training offer for the benefit of our students, our interns and in a territorial commitment of professionals. The director of the Nîmes University Hospital confirms that this hospital-university agreement is also a factor of attractiveness, insofar as having two university hospitals multiplies both the internship sites, the training offers and the access to the technical platforms.