Prix Méridol 2023 - Congratulations to the winners!

Publication of the SFPIO - French Society of Periodontology and Oral Implantology

The iconic Prix Méridol in Periodontology blew out its 21 candles on October 6, at the Journées du Collège National des Enseignant (CNEP) in Strasbourg.

The entries for this year's 2023 showcased excellence in front of a large and demanding audience, illustrating the dynamism and appeal of this discipline!

✔ The Scientific Jury Prize was awarded to the Doctor Grégoire CHEVALIER of the Paris Faculty of Odontology for his oral communication entitled "Vertical contraction of peri-implant epithelioconjunctival grafts: a series of 10 cases."

✔ The Audience Award went to Doctor Margaux VIGNONthe Montpellier Faculty of Dentistry and member of the SFPIO Junior Committee for his oral communication entitled "Quantification multiplexe par spectrométrie de masse des modifications de l'ARN salivaire dans la parodontite."

Both will be invited to EUROPERIO 11, in Vienna from May 14 to 17, 2025, by our long-standing partner and CNEP: Colgate France!

Congratulations to our very own Margaux VIGNON, who stood out from the crowd and made us proud.